Bill Clinton

Bill  Clinton was born and raised in Hope,  Arkansas.

His father died before he was born.

Bill was president in 1993.

He’s a christian.

Bill Clinton

Bill was 46.

He was the 42nd president.

His full name is William Jefferson Clinton.

In 1974, he was a first year law professor.

December 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.


Edwen Joseph Hill was a hero to Pearl Harbor.


At 8:00 in the morning they were attacked.


Robert R. Scott was also a  hero during the war.


Less than 3,000 people died from the attack.



Hawaii was attacked by the Japanese Navy.


Arizona was a ship that had sunk during the war.


Remember the memorial of Pearl Harbor.


Bombed by Japanese airplanes.


Oahu was the city that was attacked.


Remember that FDR called this day,”Day of Infamy.”



Henry Hudson

June 1611

Explorer Gazette

I think that the men and crewmen jumped out of the boat  and swam all the way to shore.  When they got to shore  half of the men went to fetch some fish,  while the others went  to start a fire to cook the fish.  But,  when one of the crewmen was trying to get fish,  he was suddenly attacked by a shark!  The other men left  t0 try to  find something to help the man.   But,  there wasn’t anything on the beach to help the him with.  Then,  they finally found a rainforest.  So,  they went in to the rainforest until one  of the men spotted a Venus Flytrap.  They all decided that the Venus Flytrap wouldn’t help the man,  so  they kept on  looking.  When  they  finally found the plant to help the hurt man,  they started heading back to him.  His wounds were finally healed.   Then,  Henry Hudson thought that  he heard voices.  He started heading back into the rainforest to look for where they were coming from.  All the men followed him.  The voices turned out to be  village people on the the other side of the rainforest and the men lived in the village for the rest of their lives.  Nobody heard from Henry Hudson and the crewmen.